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How did I discover the xLog blockchain blog?


Forever Blog Those who have dealt with blogs should know that I knew about it several years ago. I even applied for it and was rejected (because the blog did not have enough articles).


How I discovered it#

When I had nothing to do at work, I often went to Forever Blog to look at other people's blogs. I would open multiple blogs at once and carefully browse through them to select some that I thought were good.

Often, the attractive appearance of the blog catches the eye. In addition, the daily life and photos shared by others inevitably give rise to a desire to tinker with one's own blog, such as this blog, Jack's Space.

The first impression upon entering was very good and clear. At this time, I had an idea of building my own blog. After studying it carefully, I found that it used the Blocksy theme with WordPrss. Through the author's article How a Novice Builds a Blog, I found that it was different from the original version. It seemed to have been modified and beautified by the author. Since personal beautification involves many things, it is not easy to replicate it in a short time. At this point, my idea of building a blog disappeared.

While browsing, I discovered the author's second blog, VeryJack, which is based on xLog but with a custom domain name. At this point, I began to learn about xLog and successfully registered my own blockchain blog through the tutorial Five Minutes to Own a Decentralized Blog on Blockchain and IPFS.

What did I do after discovering it#

First, I thought the social media platforms displayed under personal information were great, so I started to figure out how to configure them.

Settings - Site Settings - Social Media Platforms

Then I set up custom CSS (actually, I stole the styles by inspecting the elements).

@import url("https://font.sec.miui.com/font/css?family=MiSans:400,500:Chinese_Simplify,Latin&display=swap");

@font-face {
font-family: "MiSans", sans-serif;
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;

*:not([class*="icon"]):not(i) {
font-family: "MiSans" !important;

.xlog-page-index, .xlog-page-post {
    font-family: "MiSans", sans-serif;

:root {
  --theme-color: #0084ff !important;
  --theme-color-dark: #0084ff !important;
  --banner-bg-color: #fff;

html.dark {
  --banner-bg-color: #000;

.xlog-header {
  border: none;

I basically understood the settings in the backend.

At this point, my xLog is basically set up.

It's almost time to finish work, so I'll publish it first without setting a cover image.

What I need to do next is to spend time updating my blog. I need to persevere! Let's go~ Iron Iron

Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.